John 14:6 Jesus says, I am the Way the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through me.
What a profound statement. Very concise and very clear. There is no other way to God, to heaven, EXCEPT through the Son, Jesus Christ. Because He shed his blood on the cross for our sins.
So why do Christians have a hard time understanding that? Yes, I'm singling out those who call themselves Christian, but believe that there are other ways to the Father. If you don't believe in the bible, God's Word to us, then you are doomed for eternity.
I've been wrestling with something lately in my life. I'm a super shy and quiet person. I hardly talk to people, other than my family and friends and so it's hard for me to share my faith. And also I'm guilty of brushing it off thinking, oh, someone else will lead them to Jesus Christ. That's wrong to think. I'm beginning to 'fully' understand just what it means to not know Christ. When you die without knowing Him, you are going to spend eternity in hell. That's quite sobering. A family member, or friend or worker that we know may be headed in that direction and it's Jesus' command to those who are His that we share the Gospel of Christ to a dying world.
Why is it so hard for us? Are we afraid of being mocked, laughed at, hated? Probably. My problem, or maybe more of an excuse is, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know my bible well enough. I shouldn't use that for an excuse. And lately I've been praying for more of a love for people like God loves them. I pray to look beyond the exterior (and I'm not talking looks here). Hurting people tend to hurt or be what we think is obnoxious, proud, boastful, etc. But they need Christ just as much as we do. I'm also praying for opportunities to share Him with others and for the Lord to put the words into my mouth that I need to say because I definitely don't want to share with someone without His help. This is a huge step for me, so I ask that any of my friends who read this blog to please pray for me as well.
Just remember Jesus died on the cross for ALL of us. It's up to us to either choose or reject Him. I pray for whoever reads this that needs Jesus. Please come to know Him before it's too late.
We are all sinners and not worthy of His grace, Romans 3:10 says 'There is none righteous, no, not one'. Also Romans 3:23 says 'For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.' But if we ask forgiveness and REPENT of our sins, then He will save us. Romans 10:13 says 'Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved'. Romans 6:23 says 'For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.' And God knows our hearts. He knows whether you mean it or not. He loves you though, He loves you and He wants you to know His saving Grace. May God bless you who read this.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
When all else fails, pray
Remember the saying, 'When all else fails, pray'? Why? Why just when all else fails? Why not anytime? Why must it be something we do when everything around us is crashing around our heads? Shouldn't we be in constant communication with our Heavenly Father? I understand a bit more if you were speaking to a non Christian, because they don't understand, nor do they have a relationship with Christ. But we, as Christians should be different. We should be seeking God always. We should be desiring to get closer to Him. How do you do that though, without prayer, or bible study for that matter? Is God just a genie for us to help us when we get ourselves into trouble. Or maybe the trouble is not caused by us, but by our surroundings, friends, workers, family even?
James 5:16 The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
God tells us to pray. In fact, Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:9-13. This is the model prayer. Anyone can pray. It's not just for evangelical pastors, or those in big churches, leaders and such. It's for you and for me. It's for those who want to know who God is. Prayer can help you know God. Are you willing? Or are you just waiting until all else fails? He's God. He loves you and wants to hear from you anytime.
God bless!
James 5:16 The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
God tells us to pray. In fact, Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:9-13. This is the model prayer. Anyone can pray. It's not just for evangelical pastors, or those in big churches, leaders and such. It's for you and for me. It's for those who want to know who God is. Prayer can help you know God. Are you willing? Or are you just waiting until all else fails? He's God. He loves you and wants to hear from you anytime.
God bless!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!

Wow! I didn't realize it had been over a month since I last posted. We went to Disney World for Christmas. My dad joined us and I think he had a good time. We did. We were exhausted coming back though. The most spectacular part of the vacation was when they lit Cinderella's Castle for Christmas. Incredible!
This was my favorite color. They changed colors to blue, purple, pink, aqua. It really left us speechless. My dad was even impressed and he's not easily impressed.
Just wanted to share the picture of the castle. I commented to my husband, look how incredible this castle is, just imagine how much more incredible it's going to look in heaven!
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