Tuesday, September 4, 2007

No title

One of these days I WILL learn html to add a little pizzaz to my blog. But for now it will be boring.......well, hopefully not too boring.
Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day for me. After getting the youngest homeschooled, my husband and I will be attending a pre-admission meeting to have our 18 year old autistic son move into a group home. He will move in the day after. It's been a long and tough road and this decision was not easily made as there are difficulities in dealing with him. Emotionally I don't know what I feel right now. Relief, yes. Sad, of course. Scared, most definately, but that's where I need to put my faith in God. He's been right there with us from day one and He will continue to be with us.
I guess I should introduce myself a bit so you can get acquainted with who you're reading about. I live near Charleston, SC with my husband and our three children. 2 of our sons are autistic, the older son who is moving is non verbal and severe. Our younger one, who is 10 is high functioning. I homeschool him and I really enjoy it and so does he. Our oldest is a daughter, 21 and she just moved back in with us from being away in Atlanta.
Just from the title of my blog, you can get that we are Lord of the Rings fans. Besides the bible, it is just one of the best written books of all time IMO.
Speaking of bibles, I just purchased The Message by Eugene Peterson and I really find it alot easier to read than KJV or even the NIV. It's given me a renewed yearing for reading it.
I guess you've figured out by now that I am a Christian, also conservative with a bit of goofiness thrown in. For now I need to run, hope you enjoy getting to know us!

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