Friday, November 7, 2008

Going to Medieval Times!

Tomorrow we will be going with Nathan's scout troop to Myrtle Beach to the Medieval Times. We are all looking forward to it and I'm sure my hubby will take pictures. We've never been because of the price, but it's one of their scout appreciation days and so we got a discount.

Nathan has been sick this week with a bad cold, but he is getting better. We only did school for 2 days this week since he was under the weather. I'm just praying no one else catches it.

I am looking forward to Thanksgiving, always my favorite time of year. Gives me an excuse to stuff myself. My dad will be coming down and we are all looking forward to his visit.

Now just trying to process the election results. I am in prayer for our nation, and our leaders and that's all I'm going to say about that right now.

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