Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The 'D' Word

Diabetes. That word always scared me and I even felt sorry for those who were diabetic. I knew some people who had to take shots and I thought to myself, I'd never be able to do that.
With my 3rd child, I had gestational diabetes. I controlled it with diet and exercise. I had a wonderful neighbor lady, Tammy, who would walk with me in the mornings. In fact, she helped me with my first finger prick test. I remember sitting at my kitchen table with the lancet in one hand and holding my f inger out and trying to get up the courage to poke myself. Well, I couldn't do it, so I waddled as quickly as I could to my neighbor and asked her for help. So the next time, I was able to do it myself.

Now 11 years later, I am close to being diabetic, but not there yet. My doctor says I have to watch my sugar intake, and of course take it easy on the carbs. (sigh) I guess I can do that, but it sure is hard with Thanksgiving and Christmas right here. Everytime I go to the store, I see all kinds of goodies and treats. Why is it that we long for something we can't or shouldn't have moreso than when it doesn't matter if we have it?

But I know I need to keep my blood sugar levels in check. I need to be healthy for my family. But I do look forward to that day in heaven when I'll be perfect, in mind and in body.

1 comment:

iChuzChrist said...

Hi, Bobbi!!! I had very high blood sugar in June and had to completely change my eating habits. It was hard at first, but it gets easier after a while. I eat brown rice instead of white, wheat bread and pasta, and lots of sweet potatoes. Yummy. When I went back in September, my sugar was back to normal. I still limit my carbs, and I feel much better for it. Since June, I've lose 25 pounds, and I'm still losing. Hang in there!